Tuesday, June 22, 2010

summer lovin'

Summer is here. It's hot. As I strolled into work, I was told it was going to be 98 degrees today! My response: I'll take this over mountains of snow any day of the week. Bring it, Sun.

Yesterday I briefly touched on the hectic scheduling of the summer months and, coincidentally enough, Lauren had also discussed it. I'm finding that I need to make the time to get my body moving. If it's not a Lithe class, I'm back to runnning, walking, hiking, swimming - getting creative! While I certainly give myself some flexibility with scheduling (morning workouts are mixed w/ evening workouts) I still want to look and feel healthy. I'm committed to Lithing and running - and moving. Am I excited? Yup!

Lauren H also posted about jumping back into the swing of Lithe - Reimmersion. Yay let's do it! Let's get our bodies back to feeling amazing! Strong. Healthy. Fit.

Ok, so one last piece of reading material for your morning. Lauren wrote this for Philadelphia Magazine and I just love it! In particular I love the section: Be your own best friend. "Talk to yourself like you would talk to your best friend." Be kind. Be kind. Be kind.

Well, this post was a little all over the place but I'm super stoked and motivated! Let's do it!


  1. Yay, Reimmersion! When are you at the studio this week?

  2. Ha! I'm in the Ardmore studio - and I'll be there tonight for Skinny Mini!

  3. Aha! THAT'S why I never bump into you! :)

  4. I know! Total bummer - I would love to meet you someday. Love your blog! :)
