Sunday, July 25, 2010

feet first

It was a wonderful week of lounging and loafing. My mom was so happy that all her kids were able to come together for a trip to the Outer Banks just like old times (except now with spouses and children). It's been years since this has been able to happen and we spent most of the trip playing "remember when."

I feel a little sad that our final summer vacation is wrapped up but it will be good to get back to my regular routine of working out and eating healthy foods. While each couple took turns preparing home cooked, unprocessed dinners each night (rather than going out) I still can't say that I was particularly healthy. I was careful to watch portion size, snacking, and listen to my body but it was vacation so I wasn't going to be all over myself about it.

But I'm back now and I'm really excited to jump back to what makes me feel great - regular exercise and consistant healthy eating. I'm actually craving normalcy in my diet and it's a really great feeling.
I've decided to remove dairy from my diet for 2 weeks. My friends LH and LA (as well as my husband) have been trying to get me to do this for a good bit but I kept thinking that vacations wouldn't allow me to fully devote the focus I would need to do that. They all say that they feel great without dairy and don't even miss it. I really love my ice cream but LH assures me that there are plenty of substitutes (including homemade recipes!) out there and I certainly trust her. Honestly, I'm so excited to try this new approach!

Today will be day 1 and I'm planning to head to Whole Foods and the farmers market in a bit to gather my ingredients for the week. I'll certainly be sure to share my plans, recipes, and results.

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