Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Yay! I celebrated my 50th class with a beeeeaaaauuuutiful Skinny Mini w/ Krista! Wow, I just can't believe that it's been 50 classes already. This is a really cool, personal goal. This morning I was trying make a list of Things I've Enjoyed Doing 50 Times. Let me tell you, I'm not sure I would have ever expected working out to make that list. While I never really hated working out - it was never something I necessarily looked forward to either. I looked at it as something that needed to get done - like brushing your teeth (you don't have to brush your teeth but it will be pretty nasty and unhealthy if you don't... hmm maybe not the best example but you get what I'm saying)!

I feel great! I feel strong! I'm excited about the friendships I've made and the new respect I have for my curves. Best of all, I'm learning to treat myself as I would treat a loyal friend.

Here's to 50 more!!

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