Thursday, August 5, 2010

balancing act

As I mentioned in a previous post, I haven't been Lithing in the studio lately. My schedule has been tight all summer and I've been really missing it! Last night I worked through the Lithe Method's lunges, sumos, curtsies, and push ups before an hour of cardio (with the girls of Sex & the City in my home gym).

On the one hand, working out isn't quite as fun when I don't have the instructors or friends there to push me. On the other hand I need to remember that my health and fitness is ultimately up to me. I am responsible for the way I treat my body. It's a scary and exciting realization all at the same time. I need to take what I learn through Lithe, running, nutrition/fitness blogs and really apply them and make them work for me. It goes back to balancing all of it and understanding that my balance in May might look different when compared to my balance in August. Isn't that what "balance" really is anyway?

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